Vivamus malesuada risus lectus, et ultricies libero maximus non. Sed sodales varius pharetra. Ut efficitur, elit vel pulvinar pharetra, nisl lacus dapibus leo, et euismod dui est sit amet magna. Morbi facilisis facilisis eleifend. Aliquam massa sapien, elementum at iaculis a, fringilla in dolor.

Purocin™ Proteins

Like Avidocin proteins, Purocin proteins bind to unique molecules on the surface of the target bacteria. This allows for the therapeutics to be extremely specific against specific strains of pathogenic bacteria without unintended impact on the commensal bacteria. The therapeutics also destroy bacteria with a unique mechanism of action that reduces the risk of antibiotic resistance.

Laboratory research has shown Purocin proteins not only to be non-toxic and biodegradable, but highly potent against targeted bacteria. AvidBiotics is currently developing additional Purocin proteins for food safety, including those targeting Salmonella.

Purocin™ proteins offer a promising new technology for protecting the food supply from bacterial contaminants due to their great specificity and safety. Purocin proteins can be created for treatment of specific bacterial threats, reducing the need for use of broad-spectrum antibiotics.

Outbreaks of bacterial food contamination have brought global awareness to E. coli strains in hamburger, spinach, and sprouts; salmonella in eggs and poultry; and listeria in milk products. These contaminations have become a growing problem that is compounded by the increasing resistance of many of these organisms to antibiotics.