AvidBiotics develops novel, non-antibody proteins as targeted therapeutics against bacteria, viral infections and cancer. The basis of the company’s technology is specificity – we engineer proteins to specifically bind to targets of interest. In addition, the scaffolds of our proteins exhibit functional potency – e.g., killing that exceeds that of antibodies.

AvidBiotics has two product platforms. The first,Avidocin™ proteins, represent a new class of highly specific, targeted bactericidal agents for use in the treatment or prevention of bacterial infections. Because they are so specific, Avidocin proteins also have potential for use in manipulating bacterial populations in a targeted fashion – killing only the desired microbes while leaving untargeted, beneficial organisms untouched, a capability unmatched by antibiotics. The company’s second platform, Micacide™ proteins, specifically flag virus-infected or cancer cells for enhanced destruction by the Natural Kill and T cells of the potent innate immunity system.

AvidBiotics is developing human therapeutic applications of its technologies, both on its own and in partnership with governmental agencies and research institutions. We are also taking advantage of further near-term market opportunities offered by non-core applications of our products and platforms through collaborations with corporate partners in such areas as food safety, biodefense, and animal health.

AvidBiotics was founded in 2005 and initiated its own laboratory operations in 2006. Our company is privately held and funded.